501c3 non-profit organization in CONNECTICUT

BLUE BELL AD 04-23-16


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ADOPTION PENDING – Little Blue’s mom is a sweet girl who did everything she could to survive and deliver her babies.  Despite living in a fallen trash can and suffering with a severe case of mange, she was rescued by a wonderful woman who noticed her as she drove by one night, curled up, bleeding and hungry.  Three days later, Blue and her siblings were born. This is yet another case of neglect at the hands of cruel humans that just won’t be bothered to spay and neuter their pets. Then when the female gets pregnant she is tossed like garbage to fend for herself and her future babies.

Tips for House Training and Children and Dogs are on the Righ.
Adoption Application” Button at the Top of this Page.

 Luckily, Little Blue will never endure the cruelty and pain her mom did because she is in the hands of a loving and caring foster. She is now a 15 week old, healthy, happy, and adorable English Terrier who has the most beautiful blue eyes.  She has a gorgeous gray coat, and her little face speaks volumes! These days, she passes her time playing with her four siblings or giving out love to her foster family. Foster mom says she is full of love to give.  Blue is a sweet, patient girl waiting for a forever family who will love her, play with her, and keep her safe and happy. Will you open your home to Blue?

This dog cannot be adopted to Massachusetts residents due to new laws
regarding rescue dogs being prohibited from adoption.
Please contact Patricia Cabral at: 617-626-1786 or
Mike Cahill at: 617-626-1794 for questions regarding what dogs you are allowed to adopt.

Blue is yet another homeless baby, due to the irresponsibility of uncaring humans who choose not to spay or neuter their dogs. Sadly, these unwanted litters are then dumped on the sides of roads for someone else to deal with. The only bright spot that comes out of it is that some lucky family will hopefully end up adopting pups like Blue and have many years of joy and love with them. Blue is waiting for her forever home, and although puppies need a lot of care and attention, she will grow to offer unconditional love and companionship to her new family.


Through no fault of their own, dogs in the south are left by the road to make it on their own, over and over again.  Blue is a victim of being born in a place where there are many dogs and no solutions. Blue’s story is heartfelt, she was found by a stranger who could not walk away. This chain of hero’s have a network in the south and each of them has a small part that helps these extraordinary dogs to safety. The remarkable people who make rescue achievable for Blue and her 2 siblings even though she has dogs of her own. These hero’s in the south can’t ever envision walking away because a rescuer’s spirit is pure and giving. Puppies come into this world with a clean slate. Blue’s life is full of play, good food, afternoon naps in the sun and kisses daily from her rescuer that examines every spot on her

Novice dog owners should consult with a professional trainer who understands the nuances of the English Stafford personality. Experienced dog owners should be able to handle this breed just fine. They need confident leadership, a bit of firmness (they can handle the criticism), and 100% consistency. Some trainers recommend letting your English Stafford run for a bit before conducting training sessions to help calm his mind and keep him focused.

Essentially bred to be solid watchdogs and loving pets, English Staffordshire Terriers combine toughness with a gentle sense of fun. They are friendly companions with an excellent sense of humor, always ready to play or goof around. They have lots of energy but can adapt to mellow situations and smaller spaces.

English Staffordshires are called “nanny dogs” in England because they have a gentle and benevolent way with children. They are easygoing and relaxed with their families, but can be fiercely protective around other people. Fearless and determined, an English Staffordshire Terrier delivers “big watchdog” power in a small package.

Despite their imposing look and tendency toward dog aggression, English Staffords are actually very good with children. Toddlers are not recommended, but older kids who understand a dog’s boundaries will find that an English Stafford will gladly accept the role of best friend, playmate, and evening pillow during TV time.

This dog’s temperament is that of an intelligent and affectionate companion that loves being with their owner. I have met many English Staffordshire Terriers that just want to wrestle and tumble with you. They love to play, but because they are so strong, they can knock over small children. Always watch your children when they are playing with their dog.

If you’re an active person, then the English Staffordshire Terrier temperament will definitely fit your lifestyle. They have plenty of energy to burn, and enjoy lots of exercise. You’ll have the perfect jogging buddy who will look after you and keep you safe when you are out for a run.

One aspect of dogs’ temperaments that often appeals to people is the tendency to be protective of their loved ones. The English Staffordshire Terrier is very good in this role. Depending on the individual dog’s breeding, they can be very reserved around people they don’t know, and can show strong guarding behaviors.

Though gentle and kind with friends and family, English Staffordshire Terriers can be fearless around other dogs. Always keep them on a leash in public to prevent them from injuring themselves. Dog aggression is very common in adult English Staffords. If they think another dog is challenging them, they will not hesitate to engage. Socializing your puppy to understand canine manners can help, but it’s best to keep your English Stafford on a leash at all times, and at home his yard should be fenced. The leash and fence will also help keep your English Stafford from taking off after birds, squirrels, rabbits and cats, which they love to chase.

The English Staffordshire Terrier resembles other “tough” breeds like the American Staffordshire and Pit Terrier, but these sturdy dogs look a lot tougher than they really are. The motto of many English Stafford owners is, “He’s a lover, not a fighter.” English Staffords would much rather romp around and play all day than grouse or fight or even stand around looking imposing. They have a zest for life and eat up new experiences with the zeal of a puppy. They love to be with people and they don’t particularly care what the activity is: watching TV reading a book in the sun, waking, running, going for a ride in the car – the English Stafford just wants to be with the people he loves. They also don’t like to make their own choices about what to do, and therefore don’t like being left alone, so English Staffordshire Terriers are best suited for active families where someone is always home with them.

Though English Staffords are happy to lounge around all day if you let them, these dogs need plenty of good running exercise every day to maintain their health and muscle tone. They enjoy walks, hikes, jogs or simple games of catch in the backyard. Enrolling them in organized activities like agility or flyball keeps their minds as sharp as their bodies.

English Staffords are adaptable to just about any living situation be it an estate, city or country. No matter what his living arrangements, a commitment should be made properly exercise any dog.

Each stage of Puppy Growth and development is fascinating; by the time it reaches its first birthday a puppy is considered a mature, adult dog. Puppy Growth rate is fast compared to humans, just compare a puppy of 8 weeks to a baby of the same age.

One of the most common questions asked about a puppy’s growth and development rate refers to the eventual size of the puppy. How big will the puppy grow? How can you determine the adult size of a puppy? A young puppy is tiny and cute – everyone loves puppies! But will the puppy be suited to your environment? How much exercise will be required for a full grown dog? Will the puppy be a suitable pet for children? The breed of the puppy will determine the answers to these questions. A general response to the size and growth rate of a puppy and the adult size of a puppy is therefore not possible – it needs to be specific to the puppy’s breed.

3 to 7 Weeks Old

Weaned between the ages of 3 and 7 weeks
During the ages of 3 to 7 weeks its first teeth, or milk teeth will appear
Taught basic behavior disciplines from its mother
Develop by socializing with other dogs and animals and people
Will stand up and start walking
At the age of 3 weeks a puppy will develop its sense of smell
At 3 weeks the puppy will begin to bark and show social development such as wagging its tail, growling and baring its teeth
Up to the age of 4 weeks the mother will be with the puppy almost constantly
The puppy has good use of its legs and is able to chase
Between 4 and 5 weeks the mother will gradually spend time away from her puppies
Rapid growth and development rate at this stage
Interaction with litter mates leading to Order of Dominance
After weaning puppies need to receive a series of vaccines in order to develop immunity on their own. Vaccinations for puppies generally include distemper, hepatitis, leptospirosis, parainfluenza, parvovirus, rabies, and sometimes Bordetella

7 to 12 weeks

Puppies are usually found new homes at this age it starts focusing attention on its owner rather than other puppies
The first fear period of the puppy begins
A puppy starts to learn it name but still has a short attention span
The puppy will start house training
At first, the puppy should be fed four times a day. (Feedings should be reduced to twice a day by the time a puppy is mature or even once a day in the case of a dog that gets little exercise)
The puppies motor skills improve
The puppy will use its basic instincts to naturally explore its new environment and the different things within it
Puppies will still sleep a lot and grow as they are sleeping. During times of stress, a dog raises its hackles – the hair along the neck and spine
Puppy training must begin and pups need to be made aware of your rules

8 months to 1 year

Feeding frequency should be considered – reduce to 2 or 3 meals per day
Some dogs reach sexual maturity at the age of eight months
The puppy is old enough to start Obedience Classes or a professional training program
The puppy would have grown to approximately half to three quarters the size of and adult
Female dogs would have probably reached their eventually height but will to continue to’fill out’

 12 months old

Puppies are now considered to have finished their development and growth rate and are viewed as adult dogs.
Although sexually mature beforehand, a dog usually does not attain full growth until at least its first birthday.

12 to 16 weeks

The first of the permanent teeth will work through
Ensure the puppy has plenty of attention and toys to play with
At this age a puppy might demonstrate Pack Leader Behavior and test who is the Boss. A puppy will challenge your authority
Puppy Growth and Development & Behavior between 4 and 8 months
The adult teeth continue to come through and during this time puppies need to chew! The incisors and the canines are very important because the dog bites and tears at its food with these teeth
Provide them with items to chew
The confidence of the puppy will now have grown as would its physical size
The puppy will be showing interest in chasing other Puppies at this age and starts to become independent

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Worm Puppies Every 2 Weeks Till 12 Weeks Worm Every Month Till Six Months Pregnant & nursing momma’s wormed more After That Dogs should be wormed every three months
1ST DHPP Giardia Snap Test BloodTests Office Visit Fee – at least five Visits
2ND DHPP Heart Worm Snap Test Antibiotics Health Certificate
3RD DHPP Parvo Snap Test Ear & Eye Medication Skin Scraping
Bordetalla Fecal Test Flea & Tick Medication Transport
Rabies Ear Test X-Rays Spay / Neuter
Kennel Cough Booster Eye Test Dewormer Collars
Leptospirosis Corona Booster HW Pills Head Cones



Application instructions: click the link below to apply for adoption of this dog.

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[av_heading heading=’VIDEO #2: BLUE AND HER SIBLINGS – CINDER, KION, NALA & PEPPY’ tag=’h3′ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ size=’24’ subheading_active=’subheading_below’ subheading_size=’20’ padding=’10’ color=’custom-color-heading’ custom_font=’#f7ef02′]
Also available on our website. Please share them with others.


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  • Height:
    • Males 14 – 16 inches
    • Females 13 – 15 inches
  • Weight:
    • Males 25 – 38 pounds
    • Females 23 – 35 pounds
  • Life Span 12-14 Years
  • Color(s) Black, blue, fawn or brindle. With or without white markings

Ideal Human Companions

  • Singles
  • Experienced dog handlers
  • City dwellers
  • Families
  • Outdoorsy type

Trademark Traits

  • Small and tough
  • Loving and gentle
  • Great with kids
  • Protective
  • Low-maintenance

[av_heading tag=’h3′ padding=’10’ heading=’Cesar Millan’s Tips’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=” custom_font=’#f7ef02′ size=” subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”]

  1. Introducing Your Dog to a New Home
  2. Cesar’s House Rules
  3. How do I stop a dog from jumping?

Click the expand button in the lower right corner of each video to view full-screen. See Cesar Millan’s tips on dog behavior.


[av_heading tag=’h2′ padding=’14’ heading=’CHILDREN & DOGS’ color=’custom-color-heading’ style=’blockquote modern-quote modern-centered’ custom_font=’#f7ef02′ size=’22’ subheading_active=” subheading_size=’15’ custom_class=”]

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  • Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs
  • Always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children to prevent any biting or ear or tail pulling on the part of either party.
  • Teach your child never to approach any dog while he’s eating or sleeping or to try to take the dog’s food away. No dog, no matter how friendly, should ever be left unsupervised with a child.
  • Children need to be taught how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs and young children.
  • No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child because often-young children don’t understand that a cute little dog, or any dog, might not want “love and kisses.”
  • Never let young children pick up a puppy or small dog. Instead, make them sit on the floor with the dog in their lap. Pay attention to the dog’s body language, and put him safely in his crate if he appears to be unhappy or uncomfortable with the child’s attention.
  • Always teach children how to approach and touch dogs, and always supervise any interactions between dogs.
  • Teach your child never to approach any dog while he’s eating or sleeping or to try to take the dog’s food away. No dog should ever be left unsupervised with a child.
  • Be prepared dogs will protect themselves
  • Most important, it is your responsibility to make sure that your children and the dog are supervised at all times and safe. You cannot leave it up to the dog, the dog is an animal and will behave like an animal. They rely on us to guide and protect them, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.


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It is a natural instinct for a dog to have an order in its pack, therefore, the only way your relationship with your dog can be a complete success you must be the pack leader:

  • When we humans live with dogs,we become their pack
  • The entire pack cooperates under asingle leader
  • Lines are clearly defined andrules are set
  • Dogs communicateshis displeasure with growling and eventually biting
  • Humans MUST be higherup in the order than the dog.
  • The humans must be the onesmaking the decisions, not the dogs.

Schedule Feeding Time – Find your dog’s schedule so that you can work with that

  • Feed your dog on a regular schedule time, always within a half hour of the time

Schedule Water – Help your dog bee successful

  • Keep a schedule for water, however, you should design a schedule that fits you
  • Remove the water dish after the first feeding in the morning
  • After the night feeding, leave water dish for two hours, then take it up
  • Before your last walk for the night, put the water dish down about an hour before
  • Then walk your dog 45 minutes after he has had water. There will might be days where that might be an exception for water.

 Schedule Walking Time – Find your dog’s schedule, then gently move it to your schedule.

  • Start by taking the dog out every two hours for two days, if he goes every two hours,
  • Then take him out every three hours, for two days,
  • Until you reach the time frame you need – every six hours—eight hours etc

One accident in the house, there is a urine smell that the dog detects and his instinct to continue mark where he smells urine. This is how wild dogs let other dogs know that this territory is taken and for dogs not in the pack to go elsewhere. If your dog has an accident in the house, spray the area with 3 parts vinegar and 1 part water, brush with a soft brush, put a towel on top to absorb the liquid, then take it outside where you want him to go, take it out of the bag and put it on the ground, praise your dog when he goes outside.


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RDVG wants to provide you with as much information as we can because some of our mix breeds you might not be familiar with. The below section on “About the Breed” offers information on some of the Breed Characteristics, Children & Pets, Behavior and Personality, Temperament and more.

It is important to point out that in addition to the breed, there is an enormous variety in the way a dog acts and reacts to the world around him. In the end, your dog’s preferences and personality are as individual as you are–and if you can accept that– then you’re bound to enjoy each other.

Children & Pets

Animal Behavior Guidelines

Many children, especially very young ones, do not realize that pets are living animals and not toys. Failing to teach a child how to handle pets properly can result in suffering on the part of the pet and, in some cases, injury to the child. Taking introductions slowly will allow you to introduce family dogs and your children safely

Puppy Behavior, Growth & Development

Each stage of Puppy Growth and development is fascinating; by the time it reaches its first birthday a puppy is considered a mature, adult dog. Puppy Growth rate is fast compared to humans, just compare a puppy of 8 weeks to a baby of the same age.

One of the most common questions asked about a puppy’s growth and development rate refers to the eventual size of the puppy. How big will the puppy grow? How can you determine the adult size of a puppy? A young puppy is tiny and cute – everyone loves puppies! But will the puppy be suited to your environment? How much exercise will be required for a full grown dog? Will the puppy be a suitable pet for children? The breed of the puppy will determine the answers to these questions. A general response to the size and growth rate of a puppy and the adult size of a puppy is therefore not possible – it needs to be specific to the puppy’s breed.

What the Adoption Fee Pays For


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Age DOB: 11/7/15
Life Average 12-14 Years
Sex Female
Weight 0-20lbs
Location Winnsboro LA
Breed English Staffordshire Terriers
Altered Yes
Fee All Shots + Transport – 450
RDV # RDV675
Dogs Experienced Owner
Children Over 14
House No
Energy Medium
Fence Helpful
Crate Learning
Leash No
Car Learning
Personality Blue is a sweet, patient girl waiting for a forever family
Organization Rescue Dog Village Guardian, Inc.
Name Kris
Phone 860.940.3350
Location Preston, CT
Email rescuedogvillage@yahoo.com
Facebook Rescue Dog Village Guardian, Inc.
Rescue Dog Village Guardian, Inc.