501c3 non-profit organization in CONNECTICUT

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DHLPP– 7 way vaccine
(Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, Parvo Vaccine)



CANINE DISTEMPER: Distemper is a highly contagious disease of dogs. It is caused by a virus that is easily spread through the air and by contaminated objects, much like the cold virus spreads in humans. Though the disease occurs more often in young dogs, those of any age may contract Distemper.

Signs range from; a mild respiratory problem (runny eyes and nose), severe diarrhea, vomiting, and seizures. Many recovered dogs are left with uncontrollable muscle or limb jerking and/or periodic convulsions. This is a serious disease that is often fatal. Currently we have no drugs to destroy the virus. Treatment is aimed at supportive care.


1) What is canine infectious hepatitis?

The term hepatitis means inflammation of the liver. Canine infectious hepatitis is a specific disease of the liver that is caused by a virus of the Adenovirus family. 

2) Is this virus a threat to me or other animals?

Humans are not affected by the canine infectious hepatitis virus so there is no danger to you or your family members. Other dogs and other members of the dog family, foxes for example, can be infected. 

3) How is the virus spread?

The hepatitis virus is transmitted in urine, nasal or eye secretions of infected animals. The infected urine or secretions must come in direct contact with the susceptible dog. 

4) What are the clinical signs?

In the mild form the dog may be merely off food, depressed, and have a mild fever. Some of these cases develop a bluish coloration in the corneas of the eyes one to two weeks later. This is often called “hepatitis blue eye.”

Some dogs have respiratory signs, including nasal and eye discharges and coughing. It may be difficult to tell this disease from kennel cough.

In severe cases, usually in puppies, additional signs may exist, including abdominal pain, vomitingdiarrhea, edema (subcutaneous fluid swelling) of the head and neck, and possibly jaundice. Such cases are often fatal. 

5) What is the treatment?

As with most viral infections, there is not a drug that will kill the virus. The virus runs its course in a few days to a couple of weeks. Antibiotics are used because secondary bacterial infections are common. Rest, intravenous fluids, and good nursing care are essential in maintaining the dog until he can recover.

 6) Can my dog be vaccinated against this disease?

Yes. Vaccination is very successful. The vaccine for canine infectious hepatitis is part of the routine vaccinations given to puppies. Annual vaccine boosters are necessary to maintain proper immunity.

Page URL: http://www.sniksnak.com/doghealth/addisonsdisease.html

c) LEPTOSPIROSIS – is a serious bacterial disease that infects dogs, people, and several other types of animals. This bacteria attacks the kidney, liver, and nervous system. Recovered animals may shed the organism in their urine for up to 1 year. Infected rats are a common source of leptospirosis. Vaccination is the best prevention, and all dogs should be vaccinated yearly.

This vaccine is most commonly given to field and hunting dogs one month prior to hunting season. It helps dogs at risk for exposure to the leptospira organism, which lives in water. An infection of the leptospira organism can effect the immune system.

d) PARAINFLUENZA: This is an airborne virus that causes infections of the respiratory tract. Symptoms range from coughing, sneezing, and runny eyes and nose. Fatalities are rare, but a secondary bacterial infection may occur and contribute to a more severe disease, with occasional deaths. Vaccination is highly recommended.

e) PARVO: Dogs become infected with the parvovirus through contact with the stool of an infected dog or a contaminated environment (a park, pet store, dog show, grooming facility, etc…). This virus is very hardy and remains infective in the environment for a long period of time. Puppies are most susceptible to parvovirus infections. Parvovirus causes severe and often bloody vomiting and diarrhea. Fatalities occur most often in puppies. Vaccinations and keeping the puppy or dog isolated from contact with unvaccinated puppies or dogs is the best preventative.


Bordetella or Kennel Cough is a contagious disease of the upper respiratory tract, which includes the trachea (windpipe) and bronchi (large air passages of the lungs). The most common sign of kennel cough is a harsh, dry cough that is often followed by gagging and coughing up foamy mucus. Otherwise, the dog appears alert and generally healthy. The disease is spread easily and rapidly from one dog to another. Vaccination is a good preventative and highly recommended for dogs being boarded, groomed, attending training classes, having a medical or surgical procedure done at a veterinarian, or if the dog comes in contact with unvaccinated dogs.


Required by law   Puppies begin at 12-16 weeks old     Adult Dogs – Once every 3 years

Rabies is a fatal disease caused by a virus. All warm-blooded animals are susceptible. The disease is usually spread when an infected animal bites another animal. The bitten animal will not become infected unless the saliva of the sick animal contains the rabies virus at the time of the bite. The bat, skunk, and fox are the most commonly infected wild animals. Dogs and cats are the most commonly infected domestic animals.

Affected animals may show a slight change in behavior or temperament, restlessness, and excitability. As the disease progresses, the animal may have trouble swallowing, may begin to drool excessively, have convulsions, and become vicious. Since rabies is such a threat to people and other animals, affected animals are not treated, but are instead euthanized. Vaccination is the best means of rabies control. All pets should be vaccinated. A rabies vaccine is the only vaccine required by law and is required for indoor pets as well.

The rabies vaccination is another core vaccine that is required for dogs to compete in shows. Puppies begin treatment for rabies at 12 to 16 weeks of age. As adults, the vaccine is administered once every three years. It is required to prevent the spread of the rabies virus, which dogs can contract from interacting with other infected animals.



WEBSITE: http://www.dog-health-guide.org/dogwormstypes.html

There are many kinds’ types of worms that affect dogs. Each type of parasite (another name for worms) has its own characteristics which can be helpful in worm identification. Worms vary in size and how they affect your dog.

There are 6 dog worms types:

1)      roundworms        2)      whipworms      3)      hookworms

4)      tapeworm           5)      flatworm             6)      heartworm

1.)  ROUNDWORMS IN DOG – (also called Nematodes) – These worms are smooth an narrow and tapered at both ends. Most of these worms cannot be seen with the eye and must be found with a microscopic examination of your dogs stool.

Roundworms in dogs are usually suspected when a dog shows signs of immediate diarrhea, vomiting, anorexia and dullness of coat. They are visible with the naked eye and appear long. Dog roundworms can grow up to seven inches in size and can infest other animals and humans as well. They are more common in unhygienic environments.

WHIPWORMS, HOOKWORMS, – these worms are often called stomach worms and lungworms.

2). WHIPWORM – Dog whipworms can cause diarrhea, bleeding in the large intestine, dehydration and weight loss. They are long thread like organisms and are usually confirmed through laboratory procedures which are used for the detection of eggs.

Whipworm eggs can only be seen with a microscope and are found during an examination of dog feces. It is difficult to diagnose Whipworms because they release few eggs. Several stool samples are often needed to determine that these worms cause your dog’s problems.

Symptoms of whipworms include consistent bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and tiredness. Even if whipworms are not found, a Veterinarian may treat your dog for the worms and see if there is a response to the treatment. Your dog may also experience anemia (gums become a light color due to the loss of red blood cells) which is why you should treat the condition with whipworm products.

3). HOOKWORM – Similarly, dog hookworms can cause anemia (drop in red blood cells, lethargy) as a major symptom along with bloody diarrhea, skinirritation, weight loss, pale gums and progressive weakness. These cannot be seen with a naked eye, thushookworms in dogs need to be confirmed through a laboratory fecal examination.

4). TAPEWORMS – (also called Cestodes) – These worms include a head and many segments and are often caused by eating fleas or small rodents.

Tapeworms in dogs cause vomiting, itching around the anus, abdominal pain and diarrhea in some cases are specific signs of a canine tapeworm infestation. These usually require anintermediate host (Flea, mouse etc.) to complete their life cycle. Segments of tapeworms appear as white, rice like particles found in feces and around anus of infested pet.

4.) FLATWORMS IN DOG – (also called Trematodes or Flukes) – These worms often hook themselves to your dog in their intestines, lungs and liver.

 “Dog flatworms are contracted through contact with feces or from drinking in something from a body of water. Your veterinarian can prescribe an effectivemedication to rid your dog of these worms”

Flatworms attach to your dog with hooks or with a sucker. They are found in the intestines (intestinal flukes), liver (liver flukes) or lungs (lung flukes) and are of various sizes.

Your dog can get worms by coming in contact with feces or by eating another animal in water such as a pond or lake. The worms are contracted when they eat a fish or other small infected marine animal such as a frog or crayfish.

Note that RINGWORM is not due to worms, but has the name due to an

appearance that looks like a worm.


Dog heartworm is another parasite which causes cough, lethargy, intolerance and severe cardiac complications. Worm identification is usually based upon the clinical symptoms and via the use of advanced laboratory techniques involving hematology and radiography.

Heartworm is a very dangerous disease. The nature of this ailment involves the heart. The parasites cripple this vital organ until it can no longer function. As such, your dog may literally drop down dead without warning. This is how bad this disease can get.

What’s even more disturbing about heartworm is the fact that it doesn’t show symptoms until the later stages of the disease. This means that your dog can be suffering from it and yet you won’t know anything about it.

Dogs are highly likely to get heartworm disease if they are bitten by an infected mosquito. The mosquito spreads heartworm disease by biting an infected dog, drinking in the heartworm and then passing on the worm by biting another dog.

There are four factors that will affect how your dog reacts to heartworms:

1)   Number of worms

2)  Health of your dog’s immune system

3)  Length of time your dog has the worms

4)   How active your dog is

Here is a link to more information about the disease, please take a minute and read about it:



  • Samples Can Not Be Any Older Than 12 Hours
  • Must Be Kept In The Refrigerator If They Are Held For Over 1 Hour
  • When They Get De-Wormed, The Need A Repeat Three Weeks Later 

SYMPTOMS – A contaminated dog may have no obvious symptoms, however,

  1. large infestations of worms commonly cause vomiting and diarrhea with an overall loss of condition, and poor growth in puppies.
  2. If your pet is infected you may be able to see live worms in feces and vomit.
  3. Worms can be spread to humans, especially children, by either
    1. ingesting eggs from your pets coat or
    2. from soil contamination.

TREATMENT – It is therefore important to treat your animal with wormer regularly.

  • One dose will kill all the worms in your dog at time of treatment.
  • We recommend treating adult dogs every 3 to 6 months.

PUPPIES – With puppies, because worm infestation is more problematic, a more aggressive approach is needed.

  • Treat puppies every two weeks until 3 months old,
  • then again at 4, 5 and 6 months of age, and
  • After that treat as adult dogs.
Rescue Dog Village Guardian, Inc.